About Me

Hi, I’m DJ Wilkins. I’m a culturally Christian Secular Humanist (raised Christian, turned Secular Humanist). I like studying the Bible as ancient art and literature, investigating Christian Deconstruction (such as my own) and am generally drawn to the Theism vs. Humanism conversation.

My writing is focused on these topics.

Aspiring Author / Writing Philosophy

In June 2024, I finished a 250-page manuscript - a rough draft for a book - on core literary patterns that unite the Christian Bible. I've started taking feedback from family and friends and hope to complete some meaningful revisions and publish in 2025.

In general, I love writing to learn, express my ideas and bring order to my thinking. I hope with each small piece of writing I publish here, I am working towards thinking and ideas worthy of another book or two (and that running many small writing "experiments" in this way helps "crack" the structure for said future books). I'd especially like to publish something that reflects the particulars of my Christian deconstruction experience in the future.

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